AC Hotel Madison
Madison - Wisconsin, USA
- 2017
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The AC Hotel Madison wanted a statement piece that would define their lobby.
A lighting installation that would be captivating both day and night and add a
bit of intrigue to their space. Interior design firm Gary Brink & Associates
Architects called on Preciosa Lighting to fulfill that vision, which became the
dynamic Ridge Stone Wall.

- 1248 cut crystal components
- 7000 individual LEDs
- 90 degree angles on an aluminium wall
Watch the story behind the Ridge Stone Wall
The majesticness and magnificence of the Ridge Stone Wall is testament to Preciosa’s desire to blaze a new crystal lighting trail. Designing our own technology means we can pursue our vision to connect people through light, as well as provide designers’ a place where they too can explore the incomparable possibilities of lighting and glass.
Lighting possibilities
Dynamic wall’s scenes
The system allows for light movement in connection with music. Video can be shot via mobile and uploaded to the wall with a special tablet application. Designers can choose the colour scheme of the stones, and that combined
with the ease of changing the wall’s scenes means complete customization for every client. Everything can be controlled wirelessly using an iPad.

AC Hotel Madison

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